DND is not enough to stop spam calls – Learn why

3 minutes 30 seconds

After getting disturbed day in and day out by promotional and robocalls, you decided to nip the problem in the bud. You called your service provider and placed a DND request.


They activated it immediately.


Now, you put the phone aside and heave a sigh of relief. Problem sorted!




Carefree, you answer the phone, sure that it is someone you know.


“Hello, I am calling from ICFCDB bank. Do you want a loan?”




What just happened? Doesn’t DND get rid of all promotional and unwanted calls?


It is supposed to but it doesn’t.

A brief about the Do Not Disturb feature

As the name suggests, Do Not Disturb (DND) aims to block all telemarketing calls to your number and allow only transactional calls and texts. Service providers give you the option to block all calls or selectively block calls from specific industries. Depending on your choices, you should ideally stop receiving unwanted calls.


However, DND in India only works to block 140 registered numbers, which is a telemarketing series. Upon activation, you will not receive calls from 140 numbers.

Why DND is not enough to stop spam calls

Spammers go to great lengths to keep disrupting your peace. There are 2 common ways in which they circumvent DND:


- They use numbers from a series besides 140

- They use VoIP (the internet)


In both cases, it is near impossible to enforce regulations and that is why DND is not enough. While TRAI has strict rules in this matter, it is shockingly easy to find alternate methods such as these. VoIP calls are also very difficult to stop because each time, a new number is used.

DND is not enough to stop spam calls- Doosra

Ways to stop spam calls

Don’t lose heart yet! There are ways other than DND that you can use to regain your sanity in life. Here are a few that we like:

Report every spam call

This is a tedious method because it involves actively reporting every spam number you receive a text or call from. Eventually, the number of calls you receive will drastically reduce. But, we can’t confidently tell that they will stop. Ever.

Use a call blocking app

Most service providers such as Vodafone, Jio, and Airtel offer call blocking features that you can take advantage of. A few are free while a few others need you to pay a monthly fee.

While this is a neat feature to take advantage of, you must note that it might end up blocking important calls as well. It is not all that reliable in the long run.


Use call silencing technology

This one is for Apple users. iPhone allows you to silence calls from unknown numbers. This means that you won’t even hear your phone ring. You can subsequently just ignore all the missed calls from suspicious numbers.

Use a virtual phone number

Say hello to the most reliable way to squash everything unwanted – texts, calls, and links. Find a good virtual number provider in India and get a secondary number. Use this number on social media, shopping websites, survey forms, shopping malls, car dealerships, pharmacies, etc. and keep your personal number private. No one except your contacts needs to know your personal number.

By doing this, you can simply ignore every call on the virtual phone number! Easy peasy.

Doosra – the best virtual phone number provider

Doosra is a subscription-based app that has made its mission to help you steer clear of all hackers, spam, and unnecessary calls. At a minimal monthly fee, you will be able to enjoy your peaceful life because the app will handle everything unwanted for you.


·   Instant activation

·   Automatic blocking of all calls

·   Voicemail service

·   Secure callback

·   Passcode protection

·   No SIM (No need to get a dual-SIM phone or an extra phone)


All these features together will be your first and the most effective line of defense against spam.


Spam calls are now a menace with many users losing their cool every day. Workdays, weekends, mornings, and nights – there’s no telling when your routine will be disrupted with these calls. So, why not get a Doosra and truly get rid of the problem once and for all? It’s an amazing virtual number provider in India. Try it now!