Battling Spam Calls: The Telecom Conundrum and the Power of Virtual Numbers


Spam calls have become an incessant nuisance for mobile phone users worldwide. These unsolicited and often irrelevant calls disrupt our daily lives, invade our privacy, and waste our time. In concerning news, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recently slapped a hefty penalty on Bharti Airtel, a major player in the telecommunications industry, for failing to prevent spam calls. This incident highlights the growing concern regarding spam calls and the inadequacy of major telecom companies in protecting their users. Just look at your own smartphone – how many times a day do you get troubled by spammers? The number would not be lower than at least a couple of instances.

The Troubling Rise of Spam Calls

Spam calls have become a ubiquitous annoyance, affecting mobile phone users across the globe. These calls not only disrupt our daily routines but also pose various risks to our personal and financial information. They often come in the form of fraudulent schemes, phishing attempts, or simply unsolicited marketing calls. In India, the issue has reached such proportions that TRAI had to step in, penalizing Bharti Airtel for failing to curb the unsolicited commercial communications (UCC) on its network.

Dangers of Spam Calls

Many of you might have gotten used to the many spam calls you receive on a daily basis. Why exactly should you be concerned about this issue? First of all, spam calls invade your privacy by intruding into your personal space without consent. They disrupt your peace and tranquillity, making you feel violated and uncomfortable. Further, many spam calls are designed to deceive and defraud unsuspecting victims. These calls often impersonate legitimate organizations, such as banks or government agencies, to extract sensitive information or money from individuals. Phishing attempts through spam calls are also aimed at stealing your personal and financial information. These calls trick individuals into revealing their confidential data, which can be used for identity theft or financial fraud. Therefore, spam calls can lead to financial losses for individuals who fall victim to scams. Furthermore, businesses are also affected, as spam calls disrupt their operations and customer interactions. A less dangerous issue is the time wastage – dealing with spam calls consumes valuable time and energy as people end up answering calls they do not require, which can be particularly frustrating during important meetings or family gatherings.

How Virtual Numbers Can Help Avoid Spam

Now that even telecom companies are unable to prevent the menace, what should you do? You can consider utilising virtual numbers, which offer a promising solution to the ever-increasing spam call problem. These numbers are essentially cloud-based phone numbers that can be easily managed and discarded when necessary. Here is how virtual numbers can help users avoid spam calls –

Enhanced Privacy: Virtual numbers provide an additional layer of privacy. Users can use these numbers for specific purposes, such as online shopping or signing up for services, without revealing their primary contact details.

Call Filtering: Virtual number providers often offer advanced call filtering options, allowing users to block unwanted calls and messages. This feature empowers individuals to curate their call and message lists effectively.

Temporary Usage: Virtual numbers can be used for short-term purposes. Once their purpose is served, users can easily discard or change them, rendering them useless for spammers.

Geo-Fencing: Some virtual number services offer the ability to set geographical boundaries for incoming calls. This helps users receive calls only from their preferred regions, reducing the chances of spam calls from distant locations.

How Doosra is Eliminating Spam Effectively

One key player in the virtual number space is Doosra, an Indian company that has taken the fight against spam calls to a new level. Doosra offers a comprehensive solution to the problem of spam calls by providing users with a secondary virtual number. Doosra is effectively tackling the issue by providing users with a secondary virtual number that they can use for online transactions, sign-ups, or any situation where sharing their primary number could lead to spam calls. The Doosra app also comes with robust call filtering features that allow users to block unwanted calls and messages easily. This ensures that only essential and trusted contacts can reach the user's primary number. Doosra offers the option to record spam calls, providing users with evidence in case they need to report harassment or illegal activities. Further, Doosra does not allow any caller to reach you directly – they would require a passcode, or you white-listing their number, for them to be able to connect with you. Without these clearances, Doosra only allows them to send you a voice message, thus protecting your privacy, time and mind-space.

Undoubtedly, the menace of spam calls is a pervasive problem that affects individuals and businesses alike. Major telecom companies, as evidenced by the recent penalty imposed on Bharti Airtel, are struggling to provide effective solutions to this issue. In such a scenario, virtual numbers, exemplified by companies like Doosra, offer a ray of hope. These numbers empower users to regain control over their privacy, filter out unwanted calls, and maintain a sense of security in an increasingly digital world. While spam calls may persist, the power to combat them lies in the hands of individuals who can now turn to virtual numbers for respite from this incessant nuisance. When you have a Doosra virtual number, you no longer have to worry about who has your number or how it could affect you!