Will The Data Protection Bill Be Enough to Safeguard Your Privacy?

Product, Marketing
3 minutes

During a job interview post his MBA, Tushar was asked about his opinion on the ongoing news about India’s Data Protection Bill. How effective would the bill be, in curbing privacy breaches and security concerns for the citizens of India? As someone who had been following the updates religiously, Tushar was quite excited about the possibilities unlocked by the bill, especially as India continued on its digitisation trajectory. However, a recent report had made him aware of a few areas wherein the bill fell somewhat short of its promise. 

Shortcomings of the Data Protection Bill

In an opinion piece in The Indian Express, Tushar read that, “It would have been much better if the law didn’t leave important matters — such as the obligations of data fiduciary once the data moves to foreign shores — open to interpretation. The draft talks about consent, deemed consent, and has provisions for withdrawal of consent — this is largely for personal data. As of now, there is little clarity about how personal data can be converted into non-personal data. One just has to remove the identification labels to make information non-personal.” The idea was worrisome for Tushar, especially because a majority of Indians do not have sufficient awareness about data privacy and possible misuse of personal information. 

How Can the Data Protection Bill Affect Indians?

So, how does this aspect impact your life and why should you be concerned? While the bill does talk about consent when it comes to personal data, there is a possibility of companies removing the identification labels, which make data personal, and turning your data into non-personal information. This would mean that your data would be available for public use, and your only layer of security would revolve around the fact that identification tags have been removed. However, do you really want your data to be out in the open, even though it may be in an anonymous format? Your data, in combination with that of others, could be used for research and commerce purposes. If this is something that makes you wary, it is time for you to step up and add an extra layer of security to protect yourself.

Why Should You Protect Your Data?  

Even when your personal data is shared without identification tags, it can still be used to gather information about you, your actions and your habits. Data collectors, including the government and commerce players, can find out more about your personality traits and attributes and there could be a possibility wherein these aspects could be cross-referenced with other data sets to actually pinpoint your identity. In a world where data is becoming an extremely precious form of currency, it is time to start thinking about protecting information that should, in essence, be private to you. letting it remain upfront and accessible could lead to misuse and malpractice. You might remember various TV shows and movies which revolve around people having their identities stolen. While it may have appeared far-fetched when you watched it, there is no way of conclusively stating that it is impossible, especially given the amount of personal information that is floating in the digital ecosystem.

Opting for a Second Phone Number

When we talk about personal data, the first thing that comes to mind is one’s personal phone number. It is something that usually stays with you for a lifetime, a way for people you know to reach out to you anytime and anywhere. All of us consider our personal number to be an extension of ourselves, with the digits being connected to everything from our multiple bank accounts to identity documents like our Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Passport and licence. In short, your personal number, when in the wrong hands, can open up a can of worms that could wreak havoc in every aspect of your personal life. In this scenario, what can you do to keep your personal number private? What should you do when you are asked to give out your number at almost every touchpoint today? Everyone, from clothing brands and medical stores to supermarkets and e-commerce sites ask you for your number and, with the need for OTPs and digital bills, it becomes difficult to always say no. There is why you need to consider opting for a second phone number.

Doosra – A Virtual Sim Card Primed to Protect Your Privacy

Having a virtual sim card will make your life much easier and allay your security concerns because, whenever someone you don’t personally know asks for your number, you can just share your Doosra second phone number and bid goodbye to all the accompanying stress. The new virtual sim card will not be connected to your personal number of other data, making it a safe substitute for taking on the digital world. You can enjoy absolute anonymity with Doosra and regain your fundamental right to privacy. Armed with the ability to block spam and authenticate trusted contacts through secret codes, Doosra is here to take away your privacy concerns at the tap of a button. After all, it is up to you to take the first step towards protecting yourself and that is just what Doosra promises you.